Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why would a bank as large as National City want to increase the abandoned homes in the US?

Why would a bank as large as National City want to increase the abandoned homes in the US? We were able to make a payment & promise of of 2 more in 2 weeks to catch up & the next thing I knew we had a foreclosure packet with an astronomical amount due to reinstate the loan. Why???? Citi mortgage has been wonderful to deal with. Honest, accommodating & fair.
by chelle From Brentwood, CA on February 11, 2008

We had the same issues with the bank. We once caught up once with them and we fell behind again due to medical issues . Now they will not work with us and you can't get answers or help. We had to choose to pay for medical over our house because my son needed heart surgery and my husband has had several surgery's. Now 6 mos later, they offer a Forbearance and in 3 to 4 months the house will go on the market. They said they would re-evaluate our income situation if I make the next 4 payments, but they can take my money and the house in 4months? I'm not sure I trust them. Has anyone else done a Forbearance with them? I'm so frustrated
by William Fisk From Yorktown, IN on February 04, 2008

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